Natural Champagne Diamond Stone For Sale at Wholesale Price

Champagne Diamond is a moderate Diamond that is found in brown color. It is a segment of the natural brown Diamond group. Champagne Diamonds are formed with the brittle crystalline structure. These Diamonds are found in uncommon shapes. Champagne Diamonds are the inclusion of nitrogen that is entrapped in the Diamond’s frame during this creation. These Diamonds are quite rare in cutting because its cut shapes are very stiff. Natural Champagne Diamond Stone For Sale at Wholesale Price.

These Diamonds are very beautiful. Champagne Diamond Stones can be found in some hues like in light brown color and dark brown colors. These are very unique and famed for their softness and brightness. Its color is quite impressive and has great recognition in the world. The yellow and brown hue of Champagne Diamonds is used to form precious jewelry that looks very amazing and fabulous. These colors are brought into use to make engagement rings that are very different and beautiful.

Champagne Diamond Stones are mainly produced in Australia. These are derived from the mines and the one highly produced mine is Argyle mine which is located in Australia. Champagne Diamonds hues and cut properties are very vital forms to spread these Beauties and improve this commercially. These Diamonds are traded as chocolate Diamonds that are a very exclusive brand. These Diamonds appear like Champagne Color. The high carat weights of Champagne Diamonds are very highly valued.

Champagne Diamond Stones are quite rarer than white Diamonds and other than colorless Diamonds. It is more expensive as compared to others but these Diamonds are rarer than the fancy colored Diamonds but not so affordable. The rates and high sales of these Diamonds depend on its cut and hue, clarity and carat weight is more precious. Some fancy colored Diamonds are more expensive than Champagne Diamonds.  The carat weight enhances the value of this Diamond. The golden pelican is a Champagne Diamond that is 69.93-carat weights and its value is 3 million dollars.

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