Purple DiamondPurple Diamond

“Welcome to the World of Purple Diamond”

Purple DiamondPurple Diamonds are very attractive and beautiful Diamonds. This is found in the Purple hues and the Purple is a very pure and natural hue in nature. This Color Diamond’s hues cannot be found by artificially in natural. These Diamonds consist of the crystal quartz that makes it precious. Purple ones are very valuable and have a great existence among others. This precious quartz restrains the other gems as well like Smoky quartz and Rose quartz that forms a graceful Purple Diamond.

The shapes and cutting of Purple Diamonds make a distinct identity. The historical old Purple color is very pure and real but still it exists but not much. The color of Diamonds defines the reality of them and Natural Purple ones are very pure and natural Purple hues and Purple is real in Natural Purple Diamonds.


Know My Story!

Purple DiamondPurple Diamonds are very popular for their hues. Mostly, these are found below the one-carat weight. Sometimes, the Purple color is found in dark colors to fancy vivid hues. This Color Diamonds have been very long and historically valuable. These Diamonds have certain common names that are Purple Orchid, Purple Lilac, Purple Plum, Purple Mauve, Purple Lavender, Purple Grape, Purple Amethyst, etc. These Diamonds were discovered in Australia.

Purple Diamonds have certain secondary hues red, pink, brown, gray, etc. These Diamonds can be split into two kinds as per their secondary hues. The Diamonds which have an inclusion of red and pink hues that would form Fancy Purple Pink Diamonds and the Diamonds which have an inclusion of the secondary hues blue and gray would call Fancy Violet Gray Diamond.  This Diamond is formed with a certain amount of boron and hydrogen. The color of this Diamond is made up with involving two processes. A normal Gemstone has the presence of Boron that reflects a blue color but the inclusion of hydrogen brings up the Purple color in the Gemstones.

Purple DiamondPurple Diamonds are found in six intense grades that are Fancy Purple, Fancy Light Purple, Fancy Intense, Fancy Dark, Fancy Deep, and Fancy Vivid Purple.

The intensity and value of color increase the cost of the Purple Diamonds.

Most of the classical colored Diamonds are found in Argyle mine. The Purple Diamonds are also derived from the Argyle mines that are installed in Australia. This place is known for the high production of colored Diamonds in the world. Some other countries are as well where the Purple Diamonds were found such as Brazil, Canada, Rushia but mostly it is derived from Australia. The Purple Diamonds have a great history for some famous Purple Diamonds in the world.

Purple DiamondThe Royal Purple Heart Diamond is a very famous Diamond in the world that was discovered in Russia. This fancy vivid Purple one has 7.34-carat weights and very expensive due the this. These Diamonds still exist. This Diamond cutting and shapes are very unique and the structure is formed in a Heart shape that makes people crazy. The Supreme Purple Star Diamond is the second most famed Purple Color in the world. This is made up of round shapes. It has a very sharp sparkle that shows the distinct shades from every angle.

The Argyle Violet Diamond is the most famous Diamond that was found in Argyle mine. It has 9.7-carat weight and has amazing cut and shapes. This Color Diamonds are also found in Siberia but less not much. The cost of the Purple Color can be upto 2 Million Dollars per carat weight.


My Use and Purity – 

Purple DiamondThe Purple Diamonds are found very pure and clean. The stunning glare and glossy skin of it show the reality of the Purple ones. These are very useful to human life. It is used in gold jewelry. These Diamonds are used to create exclusive luxury jewelry Necklace, earrings, rings, etc and these are purchased at high prices. Mostly Purple ones are used in engagement rings that are made with the many different cut and shapes, angles.

These Diamonds are used to calm your anger and allow peace to your soul.  These help to fade away the fear and make you hopeful.


I am a Healer! – Purple Diamond

Purple DiamondPurple Colors have powerful effects on human life. It is very useful to the wearers. The Purple color is a symbol of adherence that born a true individual in your life. It boosts the esteem of the wearers and grows the encouragement of the people. It is supposed the sign of a good life and good luck. Purple Colors are concerned with your fantasies.

Purple Colors allow internal energy to your body. It has the power to elevate your emotions and stable the mindset. It helps to control the negative objects and shutdown the over thinking. Purple ones offer the power to create good ideas and recommend new deals. Purple ones have the healing powers and it makes your health good. These have no side effects and have a positive outcome on love relationships.

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